The Dancer and the Danced

We are being danced
Played and vibrated

We have given ourselves an identity
Given a name to the nameless we are

A dancing pattern of particles
Stardust gathered from the vast
Circling an imperceptible black hole, a void
At the center of our constellation

We are a universe, each one a world unto ourselves
Billions and billions of worlds
Colliding, interacting,
Drawing towards and repelling

For one moment, cease giving a name to yourself
Rest as the nameless one
Be the dance

In truth
You are the player and the played
The vibrator and the vibration itself
Mesmerizing astonishing truth

Don’t dumb yourself down
By imagining you are just a small someone
You are all that is
Eternity gathered up as a unique expression
What more do you want?

Image by Sasin Tipchai from Pixabay

The Dark Place

I, like you, have been to the dark place
I have crawled in the pit of despair
Met the existential black hole
And surrendered myself to it
I have railed at God
Thrown myself away
Fallen, got up, fallen, got up
Fallen and stayed there

As I finally stopped looking for hope
Or hanging on to anything the mind offered
I gave myself to the dark place
And there, in that overwhelm,
I swear there was the tiniest chick of light
That seemed to beckon me towards it

I had no idea whether it was death itself
Or the light of life
As I drew closer to it I saw
It was beyond both, neither death nor life,
But the light of an unconditional love
Out of which everything arises
And into which everything falls

Yes I have been to the dark place.


There is a light
That shines through you
Even on the darkest of days
When the clouds hang heavy
And the storm is close at hand

Friend, do not fight the storm
When it approaches
But surrender into it
Let it drench you and cleanse you
Let it blow through you
Like a wild and healing force

Storms come and storms go
Clouds arise as if from nowhere
Suddenly the sky darkens
Lightning forks from the heavens
And crashes into the earth
The clouds let loose their tears
Without holding anything back

The earth says yes to it all

There is a light
That shines through you
Even in the darkest of times.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

The Deepest Unconditionality

There is an inner depth
Available to us
If we are able to dive in
And keep diving
Through layer upon layer
Past what is known
Beyond doubt
Beyond certainty
Through the dense layer of belief
Past security and fear
Through the clouds
Of conditionality
And transaction upon which
We base our lives

Deeper and deeper
And deeper still
Until all vestige
Of this humanness
Is but a whisper
And there
We will discover

For we will have fallen into the unconditional realm
Where all is open and accepted
In the most profound way
Because everything is known to be one thing
And that, my friend, is the most astonishing realization.

Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

The Turning Wheel of the Ages

We, you and I, are blessed
And we are challenged
In these times of radical change

There is a breakdown happening
Inside each of us
And in our world
All structures built on falseness
Are being eroded by the wind of change

There is nothing we can do to fight it
For time itself is unstoppable
And that part of us we call form
Is ruled by the constellations

We, you and I, are blessed to be here
At the brink, watching, playing our part,
As the old world, before our very eyes,
Shakes and shudders under its own weight
No longer able to carry the burden

That which is false will perish

We, you and I, are challenged
To stand quite still
As the open awareness we are
Beyond form, beyond the rule of constellations
As falseness within begins to dissolve
No longer able to convince us

And then, slowly slowly,
Something new will emerge
Built on truth, grounded in love
For the turning wheel is in motion
And nothing can stop it

We, you and I, are part of this majestic pattern
Glorious beyond all belief
Eternal, forever turning,
Yet in its center, in its heart
Absolutely still and utterly silent

What grace this is.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

The Existential Abyss of Freedom

Yes, you must recognize your aloneness
And fall into the existential void
Yes, it may be terrifying
And bring you face to face with all that has been avoided
Yes, you will meet meaninglessness
And be forced to become intimate with death
But this is not the end of you
Only the end of the dream of you
There is a big difference
This dream we imagine to be so real
Must be seen all the way
Not sort of, some of the way,
But all the way
And only then will it be fully released
And therein lies the peace and equanimity
It is powerful, it takes willingness and great courage
But I have not met one person
Who does not have the capacity to do it.

Image by Darren Lawrence from Pixabay

Everything is One Thing

I stopped trying to save the world
And instead looked into my own true nature

I discovered my true nature
And saw the world is a dream of the imagination

My heart burst open as I saw the suffering
And out of me poured the kind of love
That heals belief in separation
The love was not mine
But seemed to be coming through me
Its origin I know not

All things became one thing
And I understood what service is
I gave myself to that.

Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Be Still

My friend, in all this turbulence
Be still
In the throes of division and accusation
Be still

As the enemy pulls his sword ready for battle
Be still
As the storm looms overhead
And threatens a mighty deluge
Be still

While others rage and scream
And the harbingers of doom
Bemoan the end of the world
Be still
Even as the ocean spews its waves
That crash in thunderous anger
Upon the shore
Be still

Be still
There is a part of us
Beyond all form
When we remember it
We fall into a peace
That heals all division.

Image by Avtar Kamani from Pixabay

The Divine Light

There are times
When such a softness
Arises within me
I begin to see
The divine light
That shines in everything
Not with the mind
But with the heart’s knowing

This humbling vision
Brings such an acceptance
Of the way of things are
That all division dissolves
And everything becomes quiet and still.

– Image by ArtTower from Pixabay

In These Delicate Times, Find Stillness

Friend, in these delicate times
Where the future seems so uncertain
And division itself
Appears to have taken over the host
Where answers appear and dissolve in the blink of an eye
Where the desperate and disenfranchised
Clutch at the only recourse they have
And when the sickness of money, power and corruption
Has been revealed as the true virus
I can only say this

Don’t jump into the fear
Don’t jump into the future
Don’t feed the hungry ghost of alienated mind
Don’t fan the flames of conflict
Don’t give allegiance to imagination

But stay here, even for a few minutes
In the quiet
Switch off whatever noise there is
And become the stillness itself
Allow the incessant movement to come to rest
And sense the nourishment that lies within

There is an unlimited energy source inside everything.

Image by Casey Pilley from Pixabay