May the grace of love’s compassion fill all hearts and clear all minds. Even in the darkness a light shines. Dawn always comes, and the storm always ends.
I rest in the silence of being.

Some poems for you, wherever you are.

Transcend culture
Without rebellion
Leave your ancestry
Without rejecting its influence
Go beyond
All definitions of yourself
Into the freedom
Of your eternal being-ness
You are the stars, the radiance
The eternal one taking shape
Again and again
Truly you are eternity.

Dig deep into your darkness
Soar high into the heavens
Touch the divine
And the dirt
And realize
They are the same.

May the most profound love
Unconditional and free
Wild and untamable
Creep up on you
While you are busy seeking
Or arrive like a lightning flash
While you are sleeping.

Grace dwells quietly
Inside all experience
And all beings
Waiting for the invitation
To reveal itself.


When you open the door
And invite awareness in
With conviction and totality
You are inviting a fire of love
The fire wants to burn everything

It will travel through your life
Should you allow it
Finding everything stuck and dark
Everything unresolved and unloved
And it will shine its light on them

Awareness seeks itself
Love seeks itself
It will go deeper and deeper
And if you are lucky and courageous
It will find your existential wound
The core of you
It will bring wisdom and great insight
And the resolution of human angst
That is real freedom

But you must keeping saying yes
To this awareness,
As it travels through your life
Yes, this also, this also, this also.

I’m sorry your heart was broken
Somewhere in the distant past
But now we are here
And the past is far behind
Let us be here, fully,
Naked and free
Unconcerned by time’s wounds.
In this beauty
Everything comes home to love.

We are lent to this world
By some vast intelligence
It is a temporary stay
And we may be called back
At any time
We are that intelligence tasting form
For the briefest of moments
We could be grateful
Instead of endlessly fighting each other.

All you really need
Is the courage
To embrace
Every unloved part of yourself
Without conditions

And the wisdom to know
That nothing can touch
Your true essence

That embracing and wisdom
Will forge you
Into a human being
And from that place
Your actions will always be true.

There is a river of grace
That flows through everything
To know that river
We must become very still
And very quiet
Deep inside.

Something opens
Love’s grace
Starts flowing in and out
A harmony appears
And the natural goodness of life
Reveals itself.

Let us meet like this…
Eye to eye
Soul to soul
Hearts blown open
Blazing with light
Tears of grief and joy
Nothing held back
No games or tricks
Just the raw bones
Of our existence
Naked under eternity’s canopy
This is love.

  • Thank you for reading.


Sometimes it feels
As though I want to cry forever
At the magnitude of suffering
In this world
And then something changes
And I find myself laughing
At the sheer insanity of existence

And then I remember
This life is a meditation on being human
An allowing not a fighting
A surrender not a battle
An equanimity of grace
Not a squabble of division.


Lift up your heart
And show it to the sun
Throw off the shackles
That have bound you
And blinded you
Truly you are majestic
But you have been told
You are small and powerless
Persuaded by fear
To play it safe
And fit right in
With all the others
But they are playing it small and safe
And are just as confused as you

You can feel it
Below all the conditioning
Underneath inherited beliefs
You can feel it
Your aliveness
Your raw power
Your freedom
Your radiance
You just know it’s in there
But you’re scared
To unleash it

Friend it serves no one
To hide it
The whole point
Of the invitation of life
Is to be it

Come what may.


The beloved chose you
To pour itself into existence
But you keep looking
For something to fill
An imagined hole in you.
There is no hole.

Whenever a heart breaks open
There is a divine celebration
For someone has remembered their humanity.

The armor we wear
Donned in the early years
Solidified over time
Once our protector
Now become a prison
Locked in syndrome
Driven mad by our wounds
Acting out grievances
The pain body

All this must be liberated
On the true spiritual journey.

There is a natural intelligence
That speaks a secret language
You can only hear it, and feel it,
When you stop trying to fill all the gaps
When you get very quiet and utterly still
And listen without thinking.

The true human being
Has undone everything
And made no attempt
To do it all up again

They live from emptiness
The most beautiful grace of all.

Oh! what a wondrous journey is this
That takes us high and low
That strips us away to what we truly are
That calls us to meet ourselves
Deeper and deeper
That invites us to embrace
Every unloved part of ourselves
Until we arrive
At the place we never really left.

There is no deception
Greater than
The illusion of separation.

The humble and penniless hermit
Who lives content in solitude in the woods
Able to face him or herself
Has more true power and wisdom
Than the king of the heap
For they have harnessed
The silence and stillness of their being.

Relaxing into being,

Seeing the waves
Rise and fall,

Breathing with
The rhythm of life,

Feeling the heartbeat
Of existence,

Presence arises
By itself

There is no doer.

Befriend your monsters
And inner demons
Meet them with the open arms of love
Take a deep breath and say
‘Welcome home, I’ve missed you,’

And see what gifts they bring
And what hidden powers they have for you

Often it’s the resistance itself
That causes the suffering.


When you open your inner pandora’s box
Expecting a thousand ghosts and ghouls
And all manner of horrors to be released

You discover ten thousand butterflies
That have been trapped in a cage
And all you ever felt
Was the flapping of their fragile wings
As they begged for their release.

This has been one of my most liked poems for a while across the social media platforms. I think it speaks to something deeply within all of us. Maybe it relaxes some inner tension and brings some positivity to what we go through on the path of transformation.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed it for a moment. x


We must never doubt the power of love as it moves through us and through our world. It is the fragrance of the garden. It holds everything, even in the suffering and division. It is beyond time. It is our true breath.
Thanks for reading.


Become one who never forgets
Their eternal nature
Who who allows the waves to be as they are
And stays at peace
Even in the turbulence.

Love destroyed all falseness
And left me open and tender
No self left to defend

Slowly I adjusted to life
And learned to live fully
From this deepest place
In the world
But not of the world

The beloved is alive
Everywhere and always
What death is there
To be afraid of?

The lover lays down his ego
And bathes in surrender and humility
He gave up the idea of a world
Separate or outside him
And willingly, if painfully, yielded to life
In existence he saw the beloved
His true lover
And as he offered himself naked
So he was reborn as existence itself

You are a portal
Through which
The cosmic universe
Awakens and manifests.

Become a master of your inner world
But it does not happen by accident
It happens through endeavor and willingness
It happens through inquiry and humility
Through opening the heart when it feels closed
And meeting all the demons and ghosts
That have haunted us for years.

The greatest trick of all
Is the one that says
The world
Is something outside us.

Love’s invitation
Is everywhere
Stop wondering
Whether you are worthy
The invitation includes you
No need to wait any more.

Heart wide open
Mind empty as sky
Deep as the ocean
High as the heavens
No limit and no resistance
In grief, sorrow and suffering
In joy and delight
He danced
Knowing he was already home.

Be the facilitator
Not the doer
Realize that
The universe is intelligent.

Surf the phenomenal world
With great tenderness
And compassion
You and the world are one
And the way you treat it
Is the way you treat yourself.