the vast blue ocean

it doesn’t matter how you do it
or which path you take
i don’t care what transport you use
or if you have to walk

just find your way
to the vast blue ocean
to the sky fields
make it all you want
set your inner eye
on that bliss
of freedom
that lies beyond the valley

and never stop
until you reach it
it may take no time
it may take a lifetime
some roads will lead nowhere
and you may feel like giving up


just find your way
to the vast blue ocean
to the sky fields

every ounce of pain and fear
rage and regret
is nothing
compared to a drop of that water

let us meet there
and swim together
in eternity.

3 thoughts on “the vast blue ocean

  1. jim ropkey

    Kavi I love you…meet you..inhabit this field ocean of beauty without conditions…so much presenting in these times for me..all about in love…you both are wonderous to me as me…times richer than time dancing in albany with all was yet another friend ecstatic beauty door..poetry to give voice to the beautiful it loves to the abode in new lebanon new york for winter..a woman has come just as myself..just when i thought i would never say i love you again to a woman without reservation..perfect space for all that are this for me..amoda is this for me..i love you…i was told a large warehouse space north of taos was being established a month ago. a cooperative venture of some kind for artists and sorted healers..maybe too yoga..maybe not..i will follow up on the lead if you wish…welcome to america..big hug..jim

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey Jim great to hear from you. Thanks for your beautiful words. I love you too man, and your crazy dancing! Sure, follow up and find out what you can re Taos, open to all ideas. Happy for you to find some beauty again…be well x Kavi


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